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Question: 1
Which three steps should be
completed in order to get started with Oracle Storage Cloud Service?
A. Associate a permanent
public IP address with the instance.
B. Create a site-to-site VPN
C. Request a trial
subscription or purchase a subscription to an Oracle Storage Cloud Service.
D. Activate and verify the
E. Create accounts for your
users and assign privileges and roles.
Answer: C,D,E
Question: 2
Identify three capabilities of
the Oracle Storage Cloud Software Appliance.
A. it converts any server into
an Oracle Storage Cloud Engineered System Appliance
B. it turns a server into a
local mount to Oracle Storage Cloud Service, enabling file-based data movement
to the Oracle Storage Cloud
C. it is a gateway to the
Oracle Storage Cloud Service having read and write performance comparable to network-attached
D. it enables synchronous
file-based symmetric replication to Oracle Cloud
E. it extends end-to-end
security encryption and key management using Oracle Key Vault
F. it provides security with
end-to-end encryption with control of the keys and transparent encryption
Answer: C,D,E
Question: 3
Four steps must be completed
in order to prepare Oracle Compute Cloud Service before provisioning Oracle
Storage Cloud Service Appliance – Cloud Distribution.
a) Create the security rules for
permitting HTTPS traffic, NFS traffic, NFS access, and SSH connections to the
appliance instance.
b) Generate the necessary SSH
key pairs and add the public keys to Oracle Compute Cloud Service.
c) Identify (or create) a
security list in Oracle Compute Cloud Service for the appliance instance.
d) To enable NFS access to the
appliance instance, create a security application in Oracle Compute Cloud
In what order do you execute
A. bcda
B. bacd
C. abcd
D. acdb
Answer: A
Question: 4
Which two features are
provided by Fast Connect – Standard Edition?
A. access to your Oracle Cloud
service using a direct connection from your premises or colocation facility
B. prioritized access to
Oracle Cloud support for your Oracle Cloud services
C. a direct connection to your
Oracle Cloud services, so data is not transported over the public Internet
D. a dedicated T1 line to your
Oracle Cloud services
E. a level 2 router, which
encrypts and decrypts every packet you send over the public Internet to your
Oracle Cloud service
Answer: A,C